Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank you, Time Warner

Many of us are keeping a closer watch on expenses these days, including me. So, I've been attempting to read the fine print on the bills that previously were paid without much thought. The most recent Time Warner bill had this little ditty on it:
"Effective with your next bill, the rate for Lifeline Basic will change from $19.99 to $21.85. The rate for Standard Service will change from $58.99 to $64.85. The rate for DVR service will by $9.95/mo. Road Runner Home Networking will be $10.95/mo. For complete revised prices and channel line-up, please visit www.twcguide.com beginning Nov. 21."
Remember when you were satisfied with getting three over-the-air channels (without the ghosts) for free? I can't say those were better days because I do appreciate the technological developments, but come on, Time Warner, the DVR rate increase is 101 percent (at least on my bill). That's a gouge in my book.
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Have you ever paid attention to the prices advertised by the people who will rent you TVs, computers and living room furniture among other stuff?
One recent ad touted a low price for rental of a washer and dryer -- the kind you can buy for about $500 -- that would cost more than $2,000 over the life of the credit arrangement.
Some would argue that the rental places fulfill a community need. Yes, they do just like the predatory lenders.
I think a good way to judge the economic condition of a community's citizens is to count the number of storefront ("Paychecks Cashed Here!") lenders and rental companies.
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One of this blog's readers pointed out that not only is the Swifty gas station closed, but so are the hobby shop and record store in downtown Dover. The reader blames it all on a retail space property owner who raised the rent.
And by the way if you see a senior citizen having trouble pumping his/her own gasoline, lend a hand (as did one of our readers). Many seniors depended on Swifty to do the pumping.
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Congratulations to Sheriff Walt Wilson, Detective Orvis Campbell and the rest of the sheriff's staff who cracked the Sherrodsville murder case in a timely fashion. The sheriff's department in Tuscarawas County is top-notch and professional and citizens should be proud of their work.

1 comment:

kyle@sift said...

Time Warner can raise rates because it is a part of their business model. They are not in business to save you money, they are in business to make a profit. Cable TV, once thought of as a luxury, is now thought of as an entitlement. Cable TV does not serve any other purpose than to entertain. This rate increase might be the perfect excuse to cancel the service and see what life is like without a television.
The only purpose appliance/furniture rental outfits serve is to perpetuate the problem of people living above their means...oh, and to make a profit. Such is the capitalist's way. Our economy has grown artificially for decades because of credit. Now that many of us have run out...it's rather a no-brainer why the economy has stalled.