Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alan Sayre: Goodbye, Columbus

One of the truly good guys in politics -- Alan Sayre -- is stepping down as state representative of Ohio's 96th House District.

He has accepted a position -- chief deputy auditor -- with the Tuscarawas County Auditor's Office. Sayre, assistant majority floor leader, was on the November ballot and was to have faced Dover's Allen Landis, who won the Republican primary earlier this month.

Don't think for a minute that the race scared him. Sayre made the decision primarily because of his family. He has two children and Columbus has kept him from seeing them grow up. I can understand. Kids grow up fast and Sayre and his wife Stephanie have two school-age children, who are involved in activities that a parent doesn't want to miss.

And there's probably also that damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't thing going on, too. I've heard that a lot from frustrated politicians over the years.

Sayre said the Democratic Party chairmen from the three counties that comprise the 96th -- Tuscarawas, Harrison and Belmont - will meet and discuss successors. Presumably, whoever is chosen to fill in for Sayre also will be the November candidate.

Sayre, a moderate, served his district and the state with honesty and dignity. He'll be missed.

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